SA Quilters has offered Library services to members since 1985 with books in a variety of categories relating to quilting and textile art.  The comprehensive library of books, magazines, DVDs and quilting stencils are available for members to borrow at Guild meetings.    All members are issued with a library number as part of their membership package so that books are scanned and recorded when borrowed by individual members.

Members may borrow up to seven items at a time on a one month loan. If unable to attend the next meeting to return the items and an extension is required please advise the Librarian on email Library with your details.

Affiliate Groups may borrow up to ten items for one month and can be renewed by contacting the Librarian.

The Library is managed by SA Quilters members on a volunteer basis.  A list of all SA Quilters Librarians from 1985 can be downloaded here

Donations of items for the Library will be gladly accepted.

For further information see the Librarian or the assistants in the Library at SA Qullters meetings.

The Library has over 2,000 books which are categorised for ease of reference.  A selection of DVDs is also kept, however with the advent of YouTube and other online resources, consideration is being given to removing these from the Library catalogue.  There are a number of stencils held by the Library which are borrowed infrequently, however as they don’t take up too much storage the Library has elected to keep them.

The Library subscribes to a number of magazines including Simply Modern, Quilter’s Companion, Quilting Arts and American Quilter.  Various publications from major Australian Guilds are also kept for members’ information.

Library Categories

Yellow Basics
Orange Finishing/Embellishing
Dark Green History/Country
Pink Quilting
Dark Blue Appliqué
Red Piecing
Gold Contemporary Techniques
Brown Quilts
Silver Clothing/Accessories
Lime Green Colour/Design
Purple Japanese
½ Pale Green/White Modern
White Fiction
Black Magazines