I-Patch is a digital online newsletter which is sent on or about the 15th of each month from February to December to SA Quilters members, SA Quilters affiliated groups and members of affiliated groups who opt in to receive I-Patch. I-Patch is also sent to State Quilters Guilds, major SA Quilters event sponsors and SA Quilters Patron, Her Excellency Frances Adamson AC. A copy of I-Patch is submitted to the National edeposit where it is digitally preserved for the community and future generations to become an important part of Australia’s memory.
A secure link is sent to individual email accounts so that it can be downloaded from the SA Quilters web site.
I-Patch includes information on SA Quilters meetings, quilt shows, workshops, special events, feature articles, videos, member information and latest news.
Download the SA Quilters I-Patch Advertising Policy here.
Note: – I-Patch is not produced in January
Click on the I-Patch image to download the sample December 2022 edition of I-Patch.
I-Patch is managed by the SA Quilters Communications Team:
- Kathy Rossini
- Chris O’Brien
- Cindy Massey
- Jane Polden
- Ally Baum
- Rosanne Fuller
- Tina Robson
Cindy and Jane are the roving video reporters. Kathy, Chris, Ally and Rhoda rotate as I-Patch editors.
Members and Groups are invited to submit ideas or suggestions for inclusion in I-Patch by emailling the I-Patch Team on this link. The deadline for the receipt of submissions is on or about the 10th of each month.
You can contact the editor by email at I-Patch Team