Judging Service

A Judging Service is available for the benefit of the members and groups of SA Quilters.

The judges work within the parameters of the criteria set by the quilt show or challenge co-ordinators.

Critiques are available by arrangement.

It is helpful to have judges with quilt knowledge and avoid having the quilted pre-printed panel being selected as Best of Show.

Groups that invite the Judging Team to select Best of Show or the winner of their Challenge will be provided with a free Quilt Appraisal Certificate as an additional prize for the winning quilt.

Please contact:

Jill Christian Judging Team Co-ordinator

Email: SA Quilters Judging Team

Download information:

Application forms:

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The Judging Team, which provides a voluntary service on behalf of SA Quilters, was formed in October 1998. The team consists of trained judges with a knowledge of the craft and the skills and techniques involved. The formation of teams provides consistency in judging across the Australian states and within each state.
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Members of the Judging Team inspect quilts at the Festival of Quilts Exhibition.