SA Quilters offers the opportunity to financial members to list their services on this page at no additional charge including machine quilters, shops and teachers.  You can also find links to various Quilting Guilds in Australia.

Please note that SA Quilters cannot take responsibility for the services offered by any member listed on this page.

For further information please contact us on email SA Quilters

Arts on Ormerod

Ruth Dickenson and Deb Tarca
Ph: 8762 2804
Ph: 0417 829 355 (Ruth)
Ph: 0428 537 409 (Deb)

13 Ormerod Street
Naracoorte SA 5271

Email: Arts on Ormerod
Facebook: Arts on Ormerod
Instagram: Arts on Ormerod

Quilts by the Lakeside

Jenny Spencer
Ph: 0400 388 037
6 Candlewood Court,
Mount Gambier SA 5291

Web: Quilts by the Lakeside
Facebook: Quilts by the Lakeside

Kookaburra Quilts

Jeanie McCarroll
Ph: 0439 247 700
Shop 2, 1 Young Street
Burra SA 5417
Open seven days a week
Monday, Wednesday, Thursday
9.30am to 5.00pm
Tuesday 9.30am to 2.00pm
Saturday 9.30am to 4.00pm
Sunday 10.00am to 4.00pm
Friday by appointment

Email: Kookaburra Quilts
Web: Kookaburra Quilts
Facebook: KookaburraQuilts

The Rural Stitch Co

Kerry DeGaris
Ph: 0417 408 796
40 Bool Lagoon West Road
Bool Lagoon SA 5271
Opening Hours:
Weekends 10am-4.00pm
by appointment during the week

Email: The Rural Stitch Co
Web: The Rural Stitch Co

Mallee Quilts

Kaye Leinonen
Ph: 0429 781 132
25 Railway Terrace
Karoonda SA 5307
Open five days a week
Wednesday to Sunday
10.30am to 5.00pm
Closed Monday and Tuesday

Email: Mallee Quilts
Web: Mallee Quilts

Ezy Quiltz & Stitching

Online Store
Shirley Tyler
Ph: 0427 282 047

Renmark 5141

Web: Ezy Quiltz & Stitching
Facebook: Ezy Quiltz & Stitching

Constantine Quilts

Tracey Browning
Ph: 0448 256 214
RSD 1028 Kadina SA 5555

Facebook: Constantine Quilts

Cornerstone Creations

Judy Simcock Carter
Ph: 0411 092 402
Bordertown SA 5268

Web: News from Jude

Country Fabrics ‘N’ Things

Margaret Doecke
Shop closed due to building maintenance
Please leave message on phone or Facebook
Ph: 0458 900 655

Facebook: Country Fabrics n Things

Cynthia’s Ark

Cynthia Woodham
Ph: 8527 2120
7 Wasleys Road
Mallala SA 5502

Web: Cynthia’s Ark
Facebook: Cynthia’s Ark

Habit Patch

Karen Duncan
Ph: 0409 675 287
31B George Street
Millicent SA 5280

Web: Habit Patch
Facebook: Habit Patch

Heart ‘n Soul Patchwork

Michelle White
Ph: 8813 9710
1/59 Main Street
Minlaton SA 5575

Facebook: Heart ‘N Soul Patchwork

Jack n Jayde Sewing Centre

Barb Keller
Ph: 8365 1005
165 St Bernard’s Road
Rostrevor SA 5073

Web: Jack n Jayde
Facebook: Jack n Jayde

Jenny’s Sewing Centre

Jenny Nitschke
Ph: 8364 2269
64 Murray Street
Angaston SA 5353

Web: Jenny’s Sewing Centre
Facebook: Jenny’s Sewing Centre

Kadina Craft and Sewing Centre

Instore shopping Monday to Saturday
Genevieve Bache
Ph: 0401 278 412
29 Graves Street
Kadina SA 5554

Web: Kadina Craft and Sewing Centre
Facebook: Kadina Craft and Sewing Centre

Kitty Rose Cottage

Online store only
Dawn Hay

Web: Kitty Rose Cottage

Kornacraft Sewing Centre

Kim Peake
Ph: 8522 3246
108 Murray Street
Gawler SA 5118

Web: Kornacraft Sewing Centre
Facebook: Kornacraft Sewing Centre

Lemon Lyrebird

Online Store open 24/7
Tina Robson

Email: Lemon Lyrebird
Web: Lemon Lyrebird

Facebook: Lemon Lyrebird
Instragram: Lemon Lyrebird

Love Lee Fabric

Online and by appointment
Leonie Dewick
Ph: 0421 018 099
43 Hurling Drive
Mount Barker SA 5251

Web: Love Lee Fabric
Facebook: Love Lee Fabric

Make Modern Magazine

Digital World Magazine created in Australia by passionate modern quilters delivered to quilters all over the world

Web: Make Modern Magazine
Blog: Make Modern
Facebook: Make Modern
Instagram: Make Modern

Melann’s Fabrics & Sewing Centre

Christina Kazis
Ph: 8337 7548
850 Lower North East Road
Dernancourt SA 5075

Web: Melann’s Fabric and Sewing Centre
Facebook: Melann’s Fabric and Sewing Centre

Nay’s Place

Naomi Campbell
Ph: 0402 006 769
22 McCoy Street
Waikerie SA 5330

Email: Nay’s Place
Facebook: Nay’s Place
Instagram: Nay’s Place

PennyLane Patchwork

Penny Vanderwal
Ph: 8554 6353
25 Victoria Street
Victor Harbor SA 5211

Web: PennyLane Patchwork
Facebook: PennyLane Patchwork

Pretty Country Things

Ruth Vincent
Ph: 0412 670 098
8 Middleback Drive
Whyalla Jenkins SA 5609

Facebook: Pretty Country Things

Quilters Quarters

Lynette Buttfield
Ph: 0427 618 739
12 Strathmore Avenue
Lockleys SA 5032

Facebook: Quilters Quarters

Riverlea Quilts

Lyn Upphill
Ph: 8373 0653
4/330 Unley Road
Hyde Park SA 5061

Web: Riverlea Quilts
Facebook: Riverlea Quilts

Rustic Charms

Deb Wilkie
Ph: 0417 826 112
10 John Street
Kapunda SA 5373

Email: Rustic Charms
Facebook: Rustic Charms

Sew Focus

Karen Bigg
Ph: 0408 060 796
8/1064 Old Port Road
Albert Park SA 5014

Email: Sew Focus
Web: Sew Focus
Facebook: Sew Focus

Strath Sewing and Quilting

Carol McSherry and Liz Toth
Ph: 8536 3674
6 Rankine Street
Strathalbyn SA 5525

Web: Strath Sewing
Facebook: Strath Sewing

The Patchwork Cow
Linda Haigh Designs

Online store only
Linda Haigh

Web: The Patchwork Cow
Facebook: The Patchwork Cow
Instagram: The Patchwork Cow

The Patchy Affair
Appointment preferred
Julie Nixon
Ph: 0418 891 601
1972 Maitland Road
Ardrossan SA 5571

Email: The Patchy Affair
Web: The Patchy Affair
Facebook: The Patchy Affair

The Quilting Room

Online store only
Helen Campbell

Web: The Quilting Room
Facebook: The Quiting Room

The Stitch Saloon

Clair Freund
Ph: 0422 511 307
567 Magill Road
Magill SA 5072
Open Hours:
Wednesday, Friday, Saturday
10.00am to 3.00pm

Email: The Stitch Saloon
Web: The Stitch Saloon
Facebook: The Stitch Saloon

Widebacks Australia

Brenda Wade
Ph: 8370 7546
Ph: 0419 199 727
1/22 Farrow Circuit
Seaford SA 5169

Web: Widebacks Australia
Facebook: Widebacks Australia


Lisa Daly
Ph: 7286 3111
360 North East Road
Klemzig SA 5087

Web: Hobbysew
Facebook: Hobbysew

YP Quilting Fabrics

Tania Hentschke
Ph: 0488 948 223
26 George Street,
Moonta SA 5558

Facebook: YP Quilting Fabrics

Bluegum Quilting Services

Val Towill
Phone: 0408 820 997
Murray Bridge SA
Email: Val Towill

Cornerstone Creations

Judy Carter
Phone: 8752 0975
Bordertown SA
Email: Judy Simcock


Di Winter
Phone: 8358 2122
Brighton SA
Web Site:

Elite Long Arm Quilting

Ken Hannaford
Phone: 0400 442 943
Williamstown SA

Jo’s Quilting Services

Jo Culbertson
Phone: 0427 908 492
Kadina SA
Email: Jo’s Quilting Services
Web Site: Jo’s Quilting Services

Leonie’s Long Arm Quilting

Leonie Dewick
Phone: 8393 4843
or 0421 018 099
Mount Barker SA
Web Site:

Made with Love

Jackie Debenham
Phone:0417 029 131
Grange SA


Oasis Quilting Services

Judy and Roy Wiggins
Phone: 0437 211 267
North Haven SA
Email: oasisquiltingservices

Patchwork on Parade

Sharon Parkinson
Phone: 8285 4709
Gulfview Heights SA
Web Site:

Pine Grove Quilting Studio

Elaine Kennedy
Phone: 8227 6658
or 0417 612 348
St Mary’s SA
Email: Elaine Kennedy

Strath Sewing and Quilting

Carol McSherry and Liz Toth
Phone: 8536 3674
Strathalbyn SA
Web Site:

The Patchy Affair

Julie Nixon
Phone: 0418 891 601
Ardrossan SA
Email: The Patchy Affair
Web Site:

The Quilting Room

Helen Campbell
Phone: 0411 417 087
Modbury Heights SA
Web Site:

Heather Hopkins Quilts

Heather Hopkins
Phone: 0421 199 957
Adelaide SA

Widebacks Australia

Brenda Wade
Phone: 0419 199 727
Seaford SA
Web Site:

Julie Abbott

Web Site: Julie Abbott

Jules teaches fun, relaxed workshops for all levels, and specialises in colour, embellishment, embroidery, the use of paint, stencils and soldering. Workshops include traditional, Beginners Patchwork & Quilting with a modern twist , ‘Colouring & Design with Zen’, using pencils, pens, paints, stencils, stamps and foils, and ‘Colour, Glitter & Glitz’, where various decorative techniques are taught, including the use of paints, soldering irons, angelina fibres, hand and machine embroidery, foils and collage. Happy to travel.

Tracey Browning

Web Site:

International, award-winning long arm quilter who can finish your precious quilts for you.

Margaret Carberry


Teaching at Glandore Community Centre
Phone: 8297 5862
Electrical tagging service offered.

Rachelle Denneny
Phone: 0405 041 311

Web Site: Rachelle Denneny Designs

Rachelle started teaching in 2005 and teaches regularly within South Australia at local shops, SA Quilters and quilting groups within Australia. Her classes include machine quilting, machine appliqué, and beginners. Most of her Patterns are designed as classes and then produced commercially for sale. Rachelle loves to pass on the techniques and knowledge she has gained through her quilting experiences so students then have the skills and confidence to create their own masterpieces.

Linda Haigh
Phone: 0407 832 995

Web Site: The Patchwork Cow

Linda has been designing and teaching quilting for 20 years.
“I am inspired by traditional designs with an emphasis on reproduction fabrics and appliqué projects. Small projects to large quilts, mystery quilts and retreats. Happy to travel.” Linda.

Suzanne Gummow


Pam Holland
Phone: 0407 795 059

Web Site: Pam Holland

I’ve been teaching quilting and textile art for a long time, at least 25 years now.

My ideas and techniques have changed a great deal over that time, and I now work mainly from my photographic imagery which I transfer to cloth in one way or another.

I see myself as a journalist in fabric. Each quilt tells a story.

I teach multiple processes in each quilt, which adds to its distinctive effect. However, some of my quilts echo the traditions of traditional quilt making and cultural distinctiveness.

Julie Lynch
Phone 0427 972 163


Free motion quilting – group bookings welcome for one day workshops with a maximum of 8 particiants.

A professional quilter with many years of experience to share.

Wendy Whellum
Phone: 0417 084 245


Lara Motta


When life gets hectic, I stitch. Slowing down and doing something creative with my hands is the perfect antidote to my busy life as a mum of young kids.

Based in Blackwood, South Australia, I teach slow stitching/sewing to small groups of beginners. Sewing supplies are all provided so you just have to bring yourself. Sessions are two-hours once a fortnight during school terms.

Each session I provide you with a few new notions which are yours keep (scissors, thread, pins, needles etc.) and all the materials you need to work on a small project which you can take home and complete for the next session. By the end of the term you will have your own sewing kit and the skills to build on next term when you can bring your own project ideas, or we can start quilting!

The classes are friendly and relaxed, designed to give you the opportunity to slow down and stitch while you have a cuppa with new friends.

Alice Springs Quilting Club Inc

Facebook: Alice Springs Quilting Club

Quilt NSW

Facebook: QuiltNSW

Canberra Quilters Inc

Facebook: Canberra Quilters

Darwin Patchworkers & Quilters Inc

Facebook: Darwin Quilters

Queensland Quilters Inc

Facebook: Queensland Quilters

Tasmanian Quilting Guild Inc

Facebook: Tasmanian Quilting Guild

Victorian Quilters Inc

Facebook: Victorian Quilters AUS

Western Australian Quilters’ Association Inc

Facebook: West Australian Quilters’ Assoc