Quilt Encounter is it its 33rd year. It is a five-day live-in retreat run by SA Quilters. It is held in September each year at the Stamford Grand Hotel in Glenelg, Adelaide, South Australia. Eight classes are offered each day and activities each evening.
Want to attend Quilt encounter?
Information about the program and the application form is only available via the hard copy full colour brochure produced each year. Interested participants pay a fee to cover the brochure printing and postage costs (currently $12) to have a brochure sent to them. The brochure is posted out in early May. Your application to attend Quilt Encounter must be made by completing the registration form in the brochure and submitted by the mid-June deadline date listed in the brochure. You will receive an email from Quilt Encounter in late June letting you know the classes in which you have been placed.
Class places are allocated on a fair as possible basis. All class places are allocated after the application deadline, not on a first in basis . Every endeavour is made to allocate applicants their first choice. However, a balloting system is used to allocate places if there is more demand than class places available. This is why participants are asked to nominate three classes they wish to do each day.
To generate a reply-paid envelope in order for the brochure to be sent to you, please email Quilt Encounter with your details. Payment for the envelope can be made via a direct deposit, details of which will be included in the email reply to you.
14th to 19th September 2025
at the Stamford Grand Hotel, Glenelg in Adelaide
For further information – please contact by email:
Bev at Quilt Encounter
Quilt Encounter Team
Bev McBride – Team Leader | Kerryn Brand – Tutor and Workshop Co-ordinator |
Margaret Sampson – Finance/Admin | Sonia Holton |
Cindy Massey | Joyce Chapman |
Jane Polden | Ros Holmes |
Jan Huckel | Carmel Wauchope |
The 32nd Annual Quilt Encounter has wrapped up and from many reports “the best ever!!” – fabulous response from our attendees this year and probably a direct reflection of the great line-up of tutors we were able to present.
This year we had five tutors teaching at Quilt Encounter for the first time, presenting some different and new workshop options for our participants.
Sue Spargo joined us from Ohio USA with her famous embroidery and felted wool work. From New South Wales we had Kathy Doughty and Lynne Wilson – both “first- timers” with some unique choices in traditional and modern styles. Christine Lethlean (first time also) from Victoria taught some great Textile Art classes. Jan Hales from Victor Harbor, experiencing this event for the first time, presented a functional strip pieced bag.
Jemima Flendt from Western Australia and Jen Kingwell from Victoria, both having taught previously, provided some great workshop choices too. Our 2 local and well known South Aussie tutors Rachelle Denneny and Jacky Eyre taught interesting class options as always. Lots of positive feedback has been received and a few of these ladies will be joining us again in 2025.
It was a very “full house” at the Stamford Grand this year with 167 participants, plus nine tutors and nine committee ladies – the conference area rooms, and the Grand Promenade dining area were certainly at capacity. We have made some changes to our food options with the help of the hotel staff, and this was an improvement on previous years – our attendees are providing positive feedback on this.
Sunday night Opening Night was again a highlight, with Glyn Singleton (Managing Director of Bernina Australia) Officially Opening QE 2024.
Introduction of our tutors with all their inspiring workshop samples, plus the Show and Tell from previous years’ classes is always great to see “in the flesh”.
There are so many wonderful sponsors providing so much – from the Goody Bag items to prizes for our Major Prize Draw.
Many of our participants like to share their own creativity by making various things to be included in our Goody Bags – so 180 “things” are made and donated! Always a lovely surprise and everyone appreciates their time and generosity with these “crafty items”.
Bernina Australia have supported this event for the entire 32 years and Christina from Melanns continues her valued sponsorship with the provision of Bernina Hire machines for our interstate ladies – this year 50% of our attendees (including 1 from New Zealand) were not from South Australia.
Our two shops are also major sponsors with their fabulous, tempting displays and providing the “back up” supplies that we all seem to need! Our sincere thanks to Naomi from Nay’s Place in Waikerie and Helen from The Quilting Room in Modbury Heights.
Dinner Night was again a huge success, from fabulous food to the entertainment, with Zebras in various formats making their appearance. This is also the evening that we conduct the Major Prize Draw – always some delighted recipients of the many, wonderful donations that are received. All the sponsors for Quilt Encounter are acknowledged and thanked for their generosity at our dinner.
Each year the Quilt Encounter Committee team make a raffle quilt (in applicable colours to our theme) and we choose a country Charity group for the proceeds of our fundraising. This year the money we have raised will be going to the Royal Flying Doctors Community Support program for SA/NT.
The Stamford Grand Hotel also support us with this fundraising too by providing a High Tea for Six, raffled during the week of QE. A beautiful “Hexies quilt” created by many of our ladies from little packs donated by Kornacraft from last year’s Goody Bags and beautifully put together by Sonia Holton was also raffled. Several other contributions are directed to our chosen charity group each year and a final figure for the RFDS Community Support program will be announced once our figures are finalised.
Our finale evening event on the Friday Night was a “Chat on the Couch” with Jen Kingwell and Sue Spargo – and what a fun and entertaining night it was! Sonia Holton and Joyce Chapman from our Committee were the guest interviewers with plenty of interesting questions for our international quilting icons. This was followed by a delicious supper and plenty of chit chat amongst us all.
The wonderful staff at the Stamford Grand Hotel are always incredibly supportive of our event. Kirsten and Kimberley from the Events Management team provide the guidance in the months leading up to QE, through the planning and prepping stages. Then each and every one of the staff at Glenelg – from the kitchen and catering, hotel check-in, Concierge, events team and the capable crew on the Conference floor, moving furniture, setting tables etc etc are reliably on hand to assist us at every step. We are all so appreciative of the work they do at the Stamford Grand Hotel in Glenelg.
Finally, huge thanks to the Quilt Encounter Team for all the volunteer hours that they have contributed to the success of this year’s event. Thanks also to SA Quilters Leadership Team for their ongoing support to make sure this event continues to grow and maintain the fabulous reputation that it holds within the Australian Quilting Community.
The Quilt Encounter Team
Download the full 2024 Quilt Encounter Report with photos here.
Join Cindy as she wraps up QE2024 with a chat to many of the participants – here.
We are very grateful to the individuals and businesses who choose to support Quilt Encounter through Sponsorship. Download a full list of 2024 sponsors here.
Lessa Siegele Scholarship for Quilt Encounter
In 2012 the Quilt Encounter Committee established the Lessa Siegele Scholarship. The recipient of the scholarship will receive a 3-day package to Quilt Encounter (including 2 nights’ accommodation), plus $100 spending money to assist with the purchase of their chosen class requirements.
The Lessa Siegele Scholarship is named to honour and acknowledge the significant contribution Lessa made in establishing and convening this now iconic event, for 20 years from 1992 to 2012. Lessa continues to contribute to the success of Quilt Encounter, supporting the current committee with her vast knowledge and experience.
The recipient of this award will be a quilter, who due to special circumstances would not otherwise be able to participate in this event. It may be someone who has given significant volunteer time to their community, is a carer for an elderly relative or someone with a disability, perhaps a person who has experienced tough medical issues. Many of us may know someone who would be deserving of this award. The nominee and/or the recipient of this Scholarship may choose to remain anonymous; this decision will be honoured by SA Quilters. The inaugural scholarship was presented in 2013 and continues to recognise quilters who fit this criteria.
Nominations can be made by a third party or by the applicant. The recipient will be included in the mailing list to receive the Quilt Encounter brochure. Nominations to be received by 31st March each year.
With the support of SA Quilters Leadership Team, we are pleased to be able to continue with this Scholarship as a tribute to Lessa and provide the means for a fellow quilter to join us at this nationally recognised event.
It is not a requirement that either the nominator or the recipient be a member of SA Quilters.
Download the Lessa Siegele Scholarship information here.
Download the Lessa Siegele Scholarship Nomination Form here, complete and forward to Bev McBride by email at Quilt Encounter Team Leader
Bev McBride
Quilt Encounter Team Leader